Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jennifer Lopez allegedly refuses to acknowledge or speak to “the help” directly

This is just a funny story, although there’s a decent possibility that it’s just another J.Lo got a maid fired, only not so much story. I do think that Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart are leaving a lot of disgruntled and pissy former fans in their wake as Jennifer’s tour continues to roll through Europe and the Middle East. So, on that count, I kind of believe this story. Maybe I’m just preconditioned to believe “J.Lo Diva” stories. I’m sure it’s because of preconditioned sexism etc. But here’s further evidence:
While it won’t surprise most people to learn that Jennifer Lopez is a demanding diva, her latest mid-air antics will shock even the most loyal of followers!
Proving that the down-to-earth Jenny From The Block is ancient history, the singer reportedly pulled a hissy fit on board a United Airlines flight when a flight attendant innocently offered her a drink in first class, the new issue of Star magazine exclusively reveals.
“I just said, ‘What can I get you to drink?’ But Jennifer refused to even acknowledge me. She turned her head away and told her personal assistant, ‘Please tell him I’d like a Diet Coke and lime,’” the flight attendant told Star. “She wouldn’t even look at me. It was sad, she seems so sweet in her movies.”
As previously reported, earlier this month German newspaper Bild reported that the former American Idol judge had a hotel maid fired for daring to ask for an autograph – something that J.Lo denies – and another source who has worked with the 43-year-old star confirmed that Jen doesn’t lower herself to speak to the help.
“She doesn’t speak to salespeople, restaurant or hotel staff – or flight attendants,” the insider told Star. “She only talks through her assistants.”
[From Radar]
I think the real Diva Move would be to refer to the person as “It”. Like, “Tell It that I want a Diet Coke. Tell It that I want a blanket too.” Anyway, do you have any problems believing that Jennifer Lopez doesn’t want to talk to “the help”? Considering she’s dating “the help” I’m not sure if this is possible, but it’s J.Lo, so who knows.
I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I think I’ve figured out the diva scale:
Highest Scale Diva: Mariah Carey. Obviously the top-most diva, the diva who can out-diva every other bitch out there. No one else exists in the vacuum of narcissism that is Mimi.
Medium-Range Diva: J.Lo – Somewhat of a diva, especially when it comes to making eye contact with “the help”. But I believe Jennifer is mostly professional, and she doesn’t have to make it all about “The J.Lo Show” at all times.
Lower-Grade, Insidious Diva: Gwyneth Paltrow – The Patronizing Diva. She will talk to the help and make eye contact with the help and she’s professional and all of that. But she will always let you know that you are beneath her, and that she’s only deigning to speak to you because she’s such a generous soul. She will also tell you to your face that you’re fat.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Love Ya Bunches

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