Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HRC Weekly Update from Joe Solmonese

Joe's Weekly Message
Dear pearle,

Every year, about 30,000 American children "age out" of the foster care system—they reach age 18 without ever becoming a part of a permanent family. These young people struggle without a support system, without a place to call home, and with no one to guide them into adulthood. A critical part of our work is sparing as many kids as possible from missing out on having a family. We must tear down the barriers between them and the lives they deserve.

We know what kind of family a child needs: a loving, stable one. We also know that our capacity to provide that home has nothing to do with sexual orientation or gender identity, and that same-sex couples and different-sex couples are equally capable of raising happy, well-adjusted kids. The millions of American children being raised by LGBT people and same-sex couples are a testament to this.

Sadly, some anti-LGBT forces blithely ignore the success of LGBT families and the needs of adoptable kids and promote laws that would bar LGBT people or same-sex couples from adopting. They don't care that the nation's leading child welfare organizations support adoption by gay and lesbian parents, or that the American Academy of Pediatrics supports legislation that allows both partners in a same-sex couple to jointly adopt children.

This week, two states' adoption policies made the news. The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled that the state's adoption ban—the result of a 2008 referendum—violates the state's constitution. This was the right decision. We thank the American Civil Liberties Union for fighting for Arkansas kids and families.

In Virginia, unmarried couples cannot adopt. Former Governor Tim Kaine proposed regulations that would prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, marital status, or religion by child welfare agencies in the adoption process. If adopted, the regulations would make thousands of permanent, loving homes available to Virginia children who desperately need them. Governor Bob McDonnell has expressed his opposition to them—and by doing so, has put anti-LGBT politics over the best interest of these children.

He has until April 16 to make his formal recommendation to the State Board of Social Services. Yesterday HRC placed a full-page ad in the Richmond Times-Dispatch urging him to support the regulations. HRC Foundation Family Project Director Ellen Kahn, along with Joe Kroll, Executive Director, North American Council on Adoptable Children Adam Pertman, Executive Director, Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute sent a letter in support of the regulations to Governor McDonnell and members of the State Board of Social Services.

This week, there is one less adoption ban on the books, but anti-LGBT groups remain ready to play politics with kids' futures in an effort to harm LGBT people. Efforts to put bans on the ballot or to push them through state legislatures happen every year, and we keep fighting them back. Meanwhile, children age out; they live without families, often without the hope of one. We have to stand up for these kids and speak up for the families who are ready to welcome them.

Joe Solmonese

Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign


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