Recently Macy's Department store mailed its newest catalogue out to many Americans. In the hopes of making sales, instead they offended many customers in the process. The back cover looks like just a regular advertisement for their wedding registry service, but there is one major difference.
When you take a closer look you see the cake topper of two men instead of the traditional man and woman. The ad also includes a license plate that reads "I do" and hearts scattered everywhere. Macy's must believe this is mainstream, but just because gay marriage is legal in a few states, this is inappropriate marketing and conservative customers will not support it.
Please send Macy's an email letter below asking that they discontinue their "two groom" advertisement. Many of our supporters have already spoken up concerning Macy's policy on transgender men allowed into women's dressing rooms, and we will continue to speak out on traditional values. Some of our members have reported that they requested that their Macy's store credit card account be closed and shared the reason behind their decision. During our last campaign, we did not receive a reply from Macy's, but this does not mean that we will give up.
Please contact Macy's and let them know we are PROUD of their ad, and we will continue to shop at Macy's!!!!
Contact information:
Terry J. Lundgren, President
7 West Seventh Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Primary Phone: 513-579-7000
Secondary Phone: 513-579-7764
Fax: 513-579-7555
Love Ya Bunches