Monday, August 15, 2011

Could You Do It? Dad’s Admission Could Rob Son of $50,000 Trick-Shot Prize

Last Thursday,11-year-old Nick Smith made the shot of a lifetime during a contest at a celebrity hockey game in Minnesota. His name was called during intermission, and he motored on down to the ice and slapped a puck through a three-and-a-half-inch hole. It was an amazing shot. See for yourself:
All good, right? The little guy just scored $50,000, right? Life is good, right?
See, Nick Smith didn’t really make the unbelievable shot. Instead, it was his identical twin brother, Nate.
When the arena called Nick’s name after having won a raffle and the chance to take the shot, he was actually outside the arena. That’s when Nate decided to take his place. He did. And he won.
But after the excitement and elation died down, the boys’ father — Pat Smith — decided he had to come clean and teach his sons a lesson in honesty.
“The next day I called back and said, ‘you know it was really Nate that made the shot,’ and we thought honesty was the best policy and we want to set a good example for our kids,“ he told the ”Early Show.” You can watch his comments below:
The insurance company that sponsored the event must now decide what to do.
What do you think?

Would you have turned your son in?

(H/T: HuffPo)

Love Ya Bunches

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