His departure also signals, according to our source, the beginning of a larger staff shake-up in the HRC. The Blend can also report that a replacement executive director has been identified -- it will be someone who is not currently on the HRC's staff, but is currently a paid consultant that has worked with the civil rights group for some time. During his tenure, the Human Rights Campaign has become a bedrock institution that has played a role in successes -- a hate crimes law passed, the legislative repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell -- the extent of its leadership and success also depends on your point of view and knowledge of the back stories related to the hard work to make these gains happen. We can review and critique the effectiveness of Solmonese's tenure in the growth of the organization and political savvy in working with the Hill all day long, but it's time to think about the job his successor has in front of him/her.Metro Weekly reporter Chris Geidner has confirmed Spaulding's report, but says Solmonese's replacement may not come in the way described: "Although Spaulding reported that 'a replacement executive director has been identified,' four sources familiar with the situation describe that portion of the report as inaccurate -- with one saying the process is just beginning and will not be rapid."
Love Ya Bunches
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