Saturday, May 7, 2011

Courage Success: A couple remains in America -- for now

Courage Campaign

Dear Pearle,

Yesterday, Henry, a gay Venezuelan, walked into a New Jersey immigration court expecting to be deported by the US Government. All he did wrong was marry his husband, Josh, an American citizen.

But 22,000 members of the Courage Campaign and other allies signed an emergency petition over the past few weeks and helped get his story on MSNBC. Last night, Attorney General Holder overruled the Board of Immigration Appeals in a similar case. And today, while Courage members rallied outside the courthouse, the Immigration Judge postponed their case until December because of Holder's decision.

Our pressure is working. Now the real work begins. We have to get the Administration to change its policy so that it treats same-sex couples in legal partnerships just as it treats opposite-sex couples.

So here are three things you can do right now:

1. Sign our petition. We're going to keep up the pressure on Secretary Napolitano to halt all deportations of same-sex couples who have done nothing wrong except love each other.

2. Share our petition with friends, family and colleagues. These are most effective if you help spread the word.

3. Chip in to fund our efforts. Friday we helped organize a rally outside the New Jersey courthouse. We're helping generate media. All of that costs money, and your contribution helps us with that. We haven't won a permanent victory yet and we're going to use your contribution to keep the pressure on.
Today, the members of Courage helped win a victory. Now we've got to make that victory permanent.

Have a good weekend,

Adam Bink

Director of Online Programs, Courage Campaign

The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.

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