Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Midtowne Spa Austin Events...

Club News June 2011
Black out Party June 4th
We will have our regular blackout party, Saturday night June 4th. Color theme is purple. DJ Hollow playing.

Manhunt Party June 11thShow your Manhunt membership on your smartphone,tablet, or print out your membership and receive half off a room or locker.

RysCarter Studio Meet and Greet June 17thCome and meet some of the studios brightest stars and meet the casting director to find out all those questions about the
porn business you've always wanted to know!

Midtowne Spa Amateur Strip Contest June 18thThe one and only, Ms. Kelly Kline wil MC our first ever Midtowne Amateur Strip Contest.  Cash prizes for first and second place! DJ Hollow.

Birthday Boys! June 24thCome celebrate all June birthdays with us. Free Cake and half price lockers for June babies; show your ID.

Our Members Love to Workout...

Don't forget our workout pass!  Free admission for up to 4 hours, seven days per week,  between 6am and 8pm.
$40.00 per month and free locker and towel provided.

Free and Confidential HIV and STD testing Tuesday 1PM to 4PM  and 8PM to 10PM
Thursday (Alternate Thursdays, call first) 1PM to 4PM
Fridays    11AM to 2PM

Member rates:   (Non-members add $8.00)

Rooms   $20.00
Lockers  $13.00

*** Click on our Bargain Bin at the top of the screen for a $5.00 off coupon to Midtowne Austin***

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anti-Bullying Bill is Finally Passed!

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Anti-Bullying Bill is Finally Passed

May 25, 2011

Last night, the Texas House of Representatives gave final approval to House Bill 1942, relating to bullying in public schools. The House's final vote to concur with Senate amendments was 118-26. The bill will make its way to Governor Rick Perry, who is expected to sign it into law.

Rep. Diane Patrick (R-Arlington), the primary author of HB 1942 stated, "Parents and children deserve to know they are within safe walls while receiving an education."  She added, "I am especially grateful for the work that Rep. Mark Strama (D-Austin) and other House Public Education members contributed to lead this bill to fruition."

Indeed, the efforts to pass an anti-bullying law have extended over multiple legislative sessions dating back over 15 years to legislation filed by former Rep. Harryette Ehrhardt, and current members Reps. Garnet Coleman, Harold Dutton, Mark Strama, Diane Patrick and Senators John Whitmire, Wendy Davis, and LeticiaVan de Putte.

But it was the courageous efforts by Texas parents whose children have suffered from bullying that propelled the bipartisan effort in the Texas House and Senate to finally pass meaningful anti-bullying legislation in the wake of recent bullying-related tragedies in Texas and across the country.

Amy and David Truong of Houston lost their son, Asher Brown, eight months ago to bullying-related suicide. The couple have been working tirelessly for passage of the law.  "It was a promise I made to Asher the day that he died before his little body left this house," Amy Truong said. "I told him that I would never stop fighting until we did something to change this."  David said, "We'll never let this happen to any other family."

Equality Texas made anti-bullying legislation its top priority for the legislative session. Executive Director Dennis Coleman stated, "Our 2010 Equality Poll showed overwhelming public support for legislation to address the problem of bullying in schools. We were determined to focus all our efforts to provide school administrators, teachers and parents with tools to create a safe learning environment for every student."

The new law will:

  • Establish a new bullying definition that includes bullying through electronic means;
  • Integrates awareness, prevention, identification, and resolution of and intervention in bullying into the health curriculum;
  • Provides local school boards with discretion to transfer a student found to have bullied to another classroom or to another campus in consultation with the parent or guardian; and
  • Requires local school districts to adopt and implement a bullying policy that recognizes minimum guidelines such as prohibition of bullying, providing counseling options, and establishes procedures for reporting an incidence of bullying.

The sponsor of HB 1942 in the Senate, State Senator Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio) stated, "Texas could no longer ignore this problem. It was imperative that our state take action and implement the appropriate steps to prevent further unnecessary bullying that unfortunately occurs in our public schools."

Added Sen. John Whitmire (D-Houston), "The real goal is prevention. We've got to hold public school officials accountable when they know about these acts."


Equality Texas advocates and lobbies for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.
We envision a state where all Texans are treated equally, with dignity and respect.
Our work is only possible with your financial support.
Please help.

Go here to tell your friends about this.

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for the Equality Texas Action Center.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Knight of Leather

Friday, June 3 at 10:00pm - June 4 at 1:00am

The Iron Bear

Created By

More Info
Join the Dallas Leather Knights for a Leather Man contest. Winner gets a free run pass to A.W.O.L 3rd Strike in Dallas this August.


Friday, May 27 at 10:00pm - May 28 at 2:00am

The Downstairs Basement @ The Iron Bear

Created By

More Info
Gay disco godfather Sylvester will preside over the cosmic danceland that is BATHHOUSE

And Bathhouse goes darker, deeper and steamier in the Downstairs Room.

Jacked house and rancid gay disco will rule the night as we hypnotize the already aroused crowd into a fantasmic trance of dance. DJs Dawson and Realness are dropping heavy beats as they project explicit visuals guaranteed to have foggy windows and soggy undies by midnight.

Friday, May 27th (Memorial Day weekend), we go downstairs where a natural lubrication of sweat ensures the dancefloor stays slippery and wet with anticipation.


----NO COVER----

DOORS @ 10pm

Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/bathhouseaustin

flier design: Ben Aqua www.benaqua.org 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pro-gay dollars shouldn't go to anti-gay Fox News

Courage Campaign

Dear Pearle,

Here's how it works: You pay Orbitz to help plan your trip. Orbitz uses your money to advertise on Fox News. Fox News uses the money to pay hosts Bill O'Reilly and Mike Huckabee to tell millions of Americans of the "dangers" of allowing gay people near children, and compare homosexuality to drug abuse and incest.

Tired of paying for the homophobes' favorite microphone? So am I.

Join Courage Campaign and Media Matters to tell Orbitz: stop using pro-gay dollars to advertise on anti-gay Fox News!

It was O'Reilly who warned that marriage equality could lead to nuptials with goats. It was regular Fox News guest Ann Coulter who said "I don't think there's anything offensive about any variation of faggy, faggotry, faggot, fag." It was Fox News who did its best to destroy repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and who now is doing its best to keep the "Defense of Marriage Act" on the books. It was Fox News that led the smear campaign against Kevin Jennings, the man who started gay-straight alliances in schools and now serves as Obama's Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education.

Sign our petition. We'll deliver it to Orbitz personally.

Regular Fox News contributor and Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich said on Fox, "[T]here is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us." Rest assured Fox will be doing all it can to elect Gingrich and the rest of his friends to our nation's highest offices. The question is whether you'll be paying for it.

Thanks for all you do,

Adam Bink

Director of Online Programs, Courage Campaign

The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country

David Jester
Tupperware Independent Business Owner

Saturday, May 14, 2011

AIDS Candlelight Memorial Service this Sunday

Providing HIV and AIDS care and
prevention education since 1987!

Austin's 12th Annual AIDS Candlelight Memorial Service will be held this Sunday, May 15, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Republic Square Park at 5th and Guadalupe (map). The service is free and open to the public, and participants are invited to bring families, friends and candles to remember and honor.
Started in 1983, the Candlelight Memorial honors the lives lost and raises social consciousness about HIV and AIDS. In addition to the service, free and confidential HIV testing will be provided from 7:00 pm to 8:30pm. Testing and counseling will be provided by Community AIDS Resources & Education, a program of Integral Care.
In case of inclement weather, the service will be held at The Central Presbyterian Church located at San Jacinto and 8th Street.
In attendance will be Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell, as well as featured speaker and 25-year HIV/AIDS survivor Bart Loeser. Representatives of local AIDS Service Organizations will read the first names of loved ones who have been lost during the past year as a ceremonial bell tolls. Local artist Brett Bachus will perform a musical tribute.
For more information, contact volunteer organizer Eric Crabtree.
AIDS Services of Austin

UNITE! Gay Wedding Themed Launch

Saturday, May 14 · 8:00pm - 11:00pm

Cheer Up Charlie's
1104 E Sixth St
Austin, TX

More Info
A wedding themed launch party for the UNITE! Ring. UNITE! is a gay equality project that allows people to tell their story. This is done through the distribution of a turquoise colored ring you wear on your wedding band finger. This will invite attention and spark conversation.

The party will feature an opening reception with the band Sky Burial playing on an outdoor stage, during this time you can buy the UNITE! ring or a PROHOMO t shirt, enjoy a drink on Tito's as the first 100 Tito's drinks are free! Following that will be a few speakers and the premiere of the BEING GAY IS AWESOME video. Finally the wedding launches into a dance party with disco music by DJs Jorge Peña and Colin Bass.

Make sure to dress to impress! Wear what makes you feel good, but maybe wearing a 1970's tuxedo or pulling that old bride's maids dress from the closet would be a fun idea.

This is a fresh way to connect with the gay community. It's a dance party with intention and a great way to start your Saturday night. This is being done in partnership with Going Up Day (www.goingupday.org) They are seeking volunteers earlier in the day from the LGBT community to give back to Austin. Work for three hours with them then come dance at our party that night!




Enjoy a taste of Waterloo on us

Join us for
a taste of Waterloo
Waterloo Uncorked logo

Be our guest on Saturday, May 21 from 6-8pm at Mercury Mambo
for cocktails, food, fun and a few prizes.

We'll be uncorking a great time, as well as some fun facts about
Waterloo Counseling Center and what we do for the Austin community.


Come and enjoyciousLuci

  • A sampling of great wines and cocktails
  • A fabulous menu of appetizers
  • Lucious desserts
  • Games and prizes

Bring a friend! The night's on us!
RSVP buttonClick here to RSVP or learn more. See you at Mercury Mambo (1107 South 8th Street east of Treadwell and Lamar) on May 21!
Waterloo LOGO medium sizeWaterloo Counseling Center provides high quality, low or no cost mental health counseling services to Central Texans with an expertise in gender, sexual and ethnic diversity
Share on facebook!


CapitalCityQSocials - MAY NEWSLETTER

Dear Members and Friends,


HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO! It's May, it's May, the merry month of May. The month when flowers bloom, birds sing, there's plenty of sunshine and the trees give off their wonderful allergies. If you missed last month's event, I am sorry because it may have won the award for BEST MIXER YET! I want to thank the Staff at MAGGIANO'S LITTLE ITALY at the Domain for an extraordinary appetizer buffet reception. Food just kept coming all evening long and the service unbelievable. It is a first class restaurant all the way, and thanks for the nice emails I received from our members who were totally WOW'ed by the hospitality and the venue! I also want to thank everyone who attended the April Mixer. We had many new members turn-out. A special HOWDY to over 35 new members who attended that evening! Thanks so much to our GREETERS without whom we would not be able to afford all our guests, the warm and friendly welcome that CapitalCityQSocials has become known to extend to all who attend. This group of GREETERS may well  have been the best yet! Thanks to Maggiano's for their generous Door Prizes, to dear Marilyn at HAPPY PUPPY TUTORING and David at the SALON AT THE DOMAIN for their generosity as well.  


WE need volunteers to be GREETERS for this and every event. Please reach out by donating your time to your group. We need only 6 GREETERS to help welcome our members and guests as they arrive. It is fun, you get to meet new people instantly, and your first drink of the evening is FREE! Please contact me at Jonas@CapitalCityQSocials.com . I look forward to hearing from you.


We need ideas for future Mixer venues. If any of our members or friends can suggest new and exciting venues, or if you can host us at your place of business, please contact me as soon as possible, so that I may pursue your suggestions! Thanks so much in advance!


AND NOW, I am so very pleased to announce the return of last year's popular "SOCIALS UNDER THE STARS" series of outdoor events. For the next few months, our events will be held at indoor/outdoor venues so that we can articulate Austin's zest for outdoor living.  "SUNSET FIESTA" Mixer will be the first of our 'SOCIALS UNDER THE STARS' on Monday, May 16th - hosted by the fabulous IGUANA GRILL On Lake Travis-2900 Ranch Road 620 N. Austin, TX 78734! And, they have generously offered to provide us with a lovely "TEX-MEX APPETIZER BUFFET" for only $7 per person and an assortment of libations at Happy Hour Prices!  So bring a hearty appetite and join us for a fun-filled evening of mixing, mingling and networking under the stars with some of Austin's prestige GLBT Professionals and their friends.  Alex Ponce, our official Club Photographer will be there to take SUNSET PORTRAITS of those who would like to have a memento of your SUNSET AT OVER LAKE TRAVIS! So, bring your smile! DRESS: CASUAL – Shorts O.K. Please note: our extended Mixer is from 7-10pm.


Description: Description: http://www.capitalcityqsocials.com/Data/Sites/4/Images/socialsunderthestarshorizontal.jpg



Remember, we have choices on where to spend our money. We ask our members to support those businesses that embrace and reach out to the GLBT community.  Let us continue to exemplify how valuable the "Gay Dollar" really is to Austin's economy.


BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! As always – NO DUES – NO FEES – NO ADMISSION CHARGE – Just show up and Mix, Mingle, Meet and NETWORK!

See you at the IGUANA GRILL on Lake Travis.



Jonas Rolyn

Host and Founder


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Courage Success: A couple remains in America -- for now

Courage Campaign

Dear Pearle,

Yesterday, Henry, a gay Venezuelan, walked into a New Jersey immigration court expecting to be deported by the US Government. All he did wrong was marry his husband, Josh, an American citizen.

But 22,000 members of the Courage Campaign and other allies signed an emergency petition over the past few weeks and helped get his story on MSNBC. Last night, Attorney General Holder overruled the Board of Immigration Appeals in a similar case. And today, while Courage members rallied outside the courthouse, the Immigration Judge postponed their case until December because of Holder's decision.

Our pressure is working. Now the real work begins. We have to get the Administration to change its policy so that it treats same-sex couples in legal partnerships just as it treats opposite-sex couples.

So here are three things you can do right now:

1. Sign our petition. We're going to keep up the pressure on Secretary Napolitano to halt all deportations of same-sex couples who have done nothing wrong except love each other.

2. Share our petition with friends, family and colleagues. These are most effective if you help spread the word.

3. Chip in to fund our efforts. Friday we helped organize a rally outside the New Jersey courthouse. We're helping generate media. All of that costs money, and your contribution helps us with that. We haven't won a permanent victory yet and we're going to use your contribution to keep the pressure on.
Today, the members of Courage helped win a victory. Now we've got to make that victory permanent.

Have a good weekend,

Adam Bink

Director of Online Programs, Courage Campaign

The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.

Friday, May 6, 2011

SUCCESS! How you helped save a same-sex couple from being torn apart

Courage Campaign

Dear Pearle,

Success! You and 22,000 others signed a petition demanding the Administration not deport Henry, a gay Venezuelan married to Josh, an American citizen. Last night, Attorney General Holder overruled the Board of Immigration Appeals in a similar case, ordering them to reconsider the case given the couple's legal same-sex partnership. And just now, following a rally outside the courthouse, the Immigration Judge in Josh and Henry's deportation case postponed their case until December, citing Holder's decision!

Our pressure is working. Now the real work begins. We have to get the Administration to change its policy so that it treats same-sex couples in legal partnerships the same as it treats opposite-sex couples.

So here are three things you can do right now:

1. Share our petition with family, friends and colleagues and ask them to sign. We're going to keep up the pressure on Secretary Napolitano to halt all deportations involving same-sex couples who have done nothing wrong except love each other.

2. Chip in to fund our efforts. Today we helped organize a rally outside the New Jersey courthouse. We're helping generate media. All of that costs money, and your contribution helps us with that. We haven't won a permanent victory yet and we're going to use your contribution to keep the pressure on.

3. Pat yourself on the back. This is how we make lives better... together.

Have a good weekend,

Adam Bink

Director of Online Programs, Courage Campaign

The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

TX House Passes Anti-Bullying HB 1942; Next Up: Senate

EQTX logo

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Texas House of Representatives today passed anti-bullying legislation supported by Equality Texas on a final vote of 94 to 41.  HB 1942 by Rep. Diane Patrick (R-Arlington) is the collaborative product of Rep. Patrick and members of the House Committee on Public Education, including Rep. Mark Strama (D-Austin), Rep. Mark Shelton (R-Fort Worth), Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Rio Grande City), and Committee Chair Rep. Rob Eissler (R-The Woodlands). The House had tentatively approved HB 1942 on Tuesday night on a 102 - 34 vote. 

HB 1942 is the single best opportunity this session for the Texas Legislature to address the problem of bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment in Texas schools.  

HB 1942:

  • For the first time, includes the definition of bullying in Chaper 37 (Discipline) of the Texas Education Code,
  • Updates the definition of bullying to include that through electronic means (cyberbullying),
  • For the first time, provides for the transfer of the student who engages in bullying. Currently, only the target of bullying may be transferred.
  • Allows staff development to include training on preventing, identifying, responding to, and reporting incidents of bullying.
  • Mandates that each board of trustees of each school district adopt a policy, including any necessary procedures, to address the prevention, investigation and reporting of incidents of bullying.

Upon final passage by the House, HB 1942 must now begin the process in the Texas Senate. The bill must be secure a Senate sponsor, secure a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Education, be passed out of committee, and then be passed by the full Senate.

We must not let up in our efforts to secure passage of this bill into law.

Watch for Advocacy Campaigns upcoming to secure the support of your Texas State Senator.

Equality Texas advocates and lobbies for the elimination of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.

Our work is only possible with your financial support. Please help.

Go here to tell your friends about this.

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for the Equality Texas Action Center.