Breaking News! Watch out! Hill Country Ride Beneficiary Organizations go crazy with recruiting, and they want YOU!

The TEN beneficiary organizations have challenged each other to each add five new riders to our teams. We believe we can do it, and want to include you in this challenge. If you have never ridden or not registered yet, this is the perfect time! Why? There are thousands of good reasons, here are three:
1. You’re in good company: Most of the people who do this Ride have never done anything like it, and this Ride draws the coolest people year after year. This is an amazing community of kindness, and we want you to be a part of it.
2. Fundraising is easy: So easy, that the average rider trying to raise $500 ends up raising over $1,000 every year. Check out these great fundraising tipsand also how you can raise $1,000 in one week.
3. The need has never been greater: We are all facing severe cuts in funding, so severe that we are in need of Ride funds to just continue providing our basic services.
Already have your own team? Join our challenge, see if you can add five new people!
Want to join our team? See the list of all the beneficiaries with a link to our teams.
Most of all, know that we are grateful for you beyond words.
We can’t wait to see you on the Ride!

Candice Towe
Executive Director Out Youth www.outyouth.org
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