As we should all know by now, Beyoncé and hubby Jay-Z welcomed the birth of their blessed first born child late Saturday night at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC … a darling little girl they named Blue Ivy. While many folks insideB-Jay‘s inner circle are extolling the “beauty” of princess Blue Ivy, today we learn of the ugly side of the baby girl’s birth. In order to keep a tight lock on security surrounding Beyoncé giving birth, Lennox Hill Hospitalreportedly gave Beyoncé and Jay-Z‘s security detail the power to regulate who was allowed where inside the hospital. As a result, reports say, other families were BARRED from having access to their just-born children in the intensive care unit — because they were NOT allowed to go anywhere in the hospital near Beyoncé and her baby. Damn.

Beyonce and Jay-Z welcomed their daughter Blue Ivy Carter this weekend, but the birth has landed Lenox Hill Hospital in the middle of a controversy. One new parent at the hospital is furious, claiming Blue Ivy’s arrival kept them from spending time with their own newborns in intensive care. Neil Nash-Coulon of Bedford-Stuyvesant says hospital security kept putting the hallway on lockdown to accommodate Beyonce’s visitors. “People don’t need to be treated like this when dealing with sick children,” Coulon said. Coulon says Lenox Hill Hospital kept his family out of the waiting area. “They should have been more strategic with where they put her,” Coulon said. “You can’t cordon off the [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit]. These are small newborns who need care, and you’re just going to take over the hospital like you own it?” The hospital says because of privacy issues, they can not confirm that Beyonce gave birth there on Saturday. Reports indicate the singer and husband Jay-Z paid the hospital around $1.3 million for an entire floor. Coulon says his family and other patients affected deserve an apology. “We shouldn’t have to deal with drama because they’re superstars… It isn’t fair,” he said. Lenox Hill hospital tells CBS 2 putting a hallway on lockdown for a patient is not uncommon and is usually done for safety reasons. The hospital says it does not rent out floors, but it wasn’t ready to comment on specific measures taken this past weekend.Look, I get it … B-Jay are one of the most famous celebrity couples in the world and they have the power and influence to pay for whatever outrageous demands they desire … but this claim that their overzealous security measures prevented other parents from having access to their newborn children is pretty vile and disgusting to me. BUT, if true, the blame doesn’t rest with Beyoncé and Jay … the blame rests squarely on Lenox Hill Hospital. I’d say the hospital owes the other parents MORE than just a mere apology. Putting the importance of private security of celebs over the health and well-being of other non-celebrity patients is completely outrageous. IMHO, it’s a dangerous thing when hospitals start treating some patients better than others … it kinda flies in the face of the Hippocratic oath. I’m really happy that B-Jay gave birth to a healthy baby, but it really bums me out that their baby’s birth lead to the mistreatment of other patients who should’ve also been allowed to celebrate the births of their children unfettered by private security measures.
Love Ya Bunches
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