|  |  |  |  | Dear Pearle, The proponents of Prop. 8 sued Courage Campaign to stop us from live blogging from the courthouse in January 2010. They claimed it was about parodying their logo, but they got laughed out of court. What they really wanted to do was shut us down. Why? Because the testimony in the trial damned them. Guess what? They're at it again. They got Judge Ware to hold a hearing on June 13th to consider reversing Judge Walker's historic Prop. 8 ruling…because Judge Walker is gay. And they want to bury the video transcript of the trial forever because they have no case and don't want you to know. This is not just another hearing, David. If the Prop 8 proponents (ProtectMarriage.com) and National Organization for Marriage (NOM) have their way, the public will never see video footage of the trial. These videos include testimony demonstrating that Prop. 8 was based on prejudice, not facts and show even the proponent's witness testifying under oath that same-sex marriage strengthens America and its families. What if we could take the video recordings and turn them into a documentary? Or TV ads in states like Minnesota, where voters will consider a constitutional amendment in 2012 to ban same-sex marriage? Or New York, where the State Senate is considering legalizing the freedom to marry for same-sex couples? Or Tennessee where last week the governor signed a law banning the use of the word "gay" in school and outlawing non-discrimination laws by local governments? Now's our chance to make a push for the right to see and use the tapes. Will you chip in so our message can be broadcast? Judge Ware doesn't live in a vacuum. He reads the newspapers, watches TV...and sees billboards. If we raise enough, we will put up huge ads all around the courthouse that he and the rest of the public can't help but see before and after the hearings. We'll also use your money to fund online ads so more members of the public can join our call to release the Prop 8 tapes. Chip in today so everyone can see what ProtectMarriage.com and NOM are hiding: http://www.couragecampaign.org/June13th Together for equality, Rick Jacobs Chair and Founder, Courage Campaign
Chip in today to fund our Prop 8 work!
|  |  |  | The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. | |

David Jester
Tupperware Independent Business Owner/National Recruiter
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