HAPPY SPRING! We are pleased that due to popular demand, we will continue with our popular DOOR PRIZES as long as our wonderful members keep coming forward with their generous Door Prize donations. So, if you would like to have your business or service showcased in the spotlight for an evening, please feel free to donate a DOOR PRIZE to be given away at our Mixers. The Prize can be anything from a product to a service. The only parameter is that it must have a minimum retail value of $25. Surely, you have something that you simply “just can live without” that someone may just need and love! So please contact me with your Door Prizes as soon as possible so that I have the opportunity to mention them in my Newsletters prior to the event. Jonas Thanks so much in advance.
WE need volunteers to be GREETERS for this and every event. Please reach out by donating your time to your group. We need only 6 GREETERS to help welcome our members and guests as they arrive. It is fun, you get to meet new people instantly, and your first drink of the evening is FREE! Please contact me at Jonas . I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerest CONGRATULATIONS to Bart Loeser, one of our most active members for his appointment as Membership Director of the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce! (AGLCC) We are so proud of Bart and his contributions to the “community”. Any CapitalCityQSocials member wanting more information on AGLCC Membership, Bart can be contacted by email at BartNAustin.
And now, I am so very pleased to announce our April “Welcome to Spring” Mixer (Italian Style). On April 18, we head north to the Domain, where Maggiano’s Little Italy, the nation’s gourmet group of Italian Restaurants will be hosting this month’s Mixer. And, they have generously offered to provide us with a lovely “TASTE OF ITALY” in the way of COMPLIMENTARY HOT AND COLD APPETIZERS ALL EVENING, as well as an extensive Happy Hour Drink menu.
Remember, we have choices on where to spend our money. We ask our members to support those businesses that embrace and reach out to the GLBT community. Let us continue to exemplify how valuable the “Gay Dollar” really is to Austin’s economy.
BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! As always – NO DUES – NO FEES – NO ADMISSION CHARGE – Just show up and Mix, Mingle, Meet and NETWORK!
See you at Maggiano’s Little Italy.
Jonas Rolyn
Host and Founder
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